Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I'm going to make this short because I know it is going to be another long night. : )
Olivia is still doing well. She sleeps great during the day and is up all night. Lovely!
Emma is doing really well. She was at 41% oxygen on the cypap today when I went in. Then they took her rate away this afternoon which put her on the c-pap and so far she has tolerated it very well hanging in there at 44%. He told me that he would like to get her to a high flow nasal cannula by the end of this week. That would be great!!! We'll just keep cheering her on.
Alyssa is going in tomorrow for her yearly checkup with her cardiologist. She will have an x-ray and echocardiogram. She has a regurgitating pulmonary valve that we continue to monitor so we can see when she will need to have it replaced (another open heart surgery). Last year, on a scale of 0-4 (4 being the worst) hers is a 2-3. So we'll see what the last year has done. I hope she will not be scared for these tests.
Olivia had an eye exam this afternoon and her eyes are still immature (they are still developing). She did not see anything wrong but they will need to see us again in a couple of weeks to see if they have fully developed and watch for retinapathy of prematurity.
I think that is all for now. Enjoy your sleep tonight! I'm jealous already.


Gina Beckwith said...

I remember oh, too clearly DREADING nighttime. I just knew it wasn't going to be restful. Best of luck tonight. Love and prayers!

Nathan Westerfield said...

I haven't been able to check your site for awhile. I am so glad to hear Olivia is home! Take care of yourself, I definitely know how you feel when it comes to the lack of sleep. You are in my prayers.