Sunday, August 24, 2008

Results from the cookie swallow...

Hello! I'm going to make this quick because ironing, pumping and laundry is calling my name. And then putting away groceries, unloading the dishwasher just to fill it again and pick up my kitchen counters. And it's 10:45 p.m.
They did the cookie swallow on Emma and found that she was aspirating everything except formula with rice cereal. They tried breast milk, honey, nectar, etc. I guess this solves my "not producing enough" problem. Emma will be on Enficare with rice cereal (almost the consistency of oatmeal). The problem they had this weekend is that it is too thick for her to get through the bottle. But they need permission from the feeding therapist to either stretch the nipple or cut the hole bigger. Hopefully this will be resolved tomorrow. They have had to tube her all weekend. They were able to use up the rest of my breast milk though and that is good. Her last bottle of that is at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow. Just in time.
Emma is up to 5 lb. 3/4 oz. Yea!
We'll find out this Friday what Olivia's weight is.
I know we have a least 2 doctor appointments this week. Tuesday is for Olivia's eyes. Friday is for her weight. Alyssa's eye appointment is September 5th to see if there has been any improvement.
I'll update tomorrow and let you know what is going on with Emma. We are so close. We just have to get her eating. Please pray that this works.

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