Friday, August 29, 2008

Feeding issues...

Hello! Let's talk about feeding issues for both girls...
Emma....has not been bottle feeding at all because she has been breathing too fast. So they restarted her breathing treatments yesterday(kind of like an inhaler for asthma). Hasn't helped so far but it might take a few days. Who knows? Joni and Kelly Conrad...did either of you deal with this?
Olivia...has gradually gotten worse with her puking. Especially the past two weeks. So two days ago, at Alyssa's physical for preschool, her doctor asked how Olivia was doing. I told her fine except for the spitting up. She said to try the rice cereal in formula. I did and amazingly she has stopped spitting up. I've never been so surprised. We went from projectile to nothing. So she has been doing that for 2 days now. I was still debating whether I should still pump and deal with the spitup or if I should just call it quits. My sanity is screaming to quit. It has been VERY hard. Usually one or all three of my children are crying while I take the 20 minutes to pump. It is so time consuming between pumping and feeding Olivia let alone cleaning all the parts that I barely have any time for my older two. But I thought before I quit I'm going to talk to my doctor about it. Maybe I could go to nursing exclusively? It would take a lot of work and she would still spit up but at least we could cut out the pumping. But we can't really do that because she stil needs the supplements. Well, today was her appointment and she did not gain weight well. They like to see 14 oz. for 14 days and she only gained 10 1/2 oz. So that just confirmed that we need to do the formula with rice cereal. That is a weight off of my shoulders I have to admit. I'm thankful I got them past their due date. They got a good 3 1/2 months with my milk so you know what? Good job Bethany!!!
So they will want to see me in a couple of days to see if she is picking up her weight gain or not. I'm waiting for the nurse to call and let me know what the doctor says.
We all, except Mike, have small colds here in our household so that is not fun. I have to watch Olivia carefully to make sure she is breathing o.k. (since she has chronic lung disease). Other than that, thank God it is Friday!!!
I hope we figure out something with Emma soon but I'm doing better being patient.
Sleepless in Washington,


The Lueddecke's said...

Bethany--do whatever makes you happier when it comes to nursing. If you'll have weight off of your shoulders and enjoy the girls (all 4 of them) more w/out pumping--then stop! They'll still score high on their ACTs!! Just do whatever causes the least stress--you need that right now!
love to all

Megan said...

I agree with lueddecke's. Do whatever will give you less stress. It seems like the cereal will be better for her anyway. ;}

Love you and keep your head up! God is going to get you all through this!