Saturday, June 7, 2008

We went to the hospital today...

Mike, Keith, Ali, Alyssa, Loren and myself went to the hospital today. It was a pretty good visit. We ran into our friends that just had twin girls two days ago. They have been struggling with some of the same issues as us. She had TTTS surgery two days after I did in Cincinnati. They stopped by to see us after our surgery. So we ran into him in the NICU and their girls are doing well.

Seems like the theme - good news and not so good news.

Good news - Olivia is off her c-pap. She has a nose canula at 30% oxygen. You can finally see her whole face. so cute!!! She is stooling great and doing well eating. We'll take it. She has also hit 3 lbs.

Not so good news - Emma has pneumonia. It looks like an infection from her tubing down in her lungs. She is on 2 antibiotics for a week. She is still at 50-60% oxygen on the Jet vent. So we'll just keep praying for this little girl. She is at 1lb. 10 1/2 oz. Mike and I can hold her when she is off of the jet but we don't know how long that will be before we can do that.

Thanks for keeping our girls in your prayers!!

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