Thursday, June 26, 2008

I just got off of the phone with the resident...

I just got off of the phone with the resident.

It looks like Olivia has the beginning stages of NEC (the deadening of the bowels). They have stopped her feeds and she is on antibiotics and TPN (nutrition through an I.V.). They found some green gastric acids and loops. The x-ray did not show any gas bubbles in the lining/walls of her intestines which is good. They have to watch for those carefully because if she has them, they have to make sure they don't rupture. If they did, that would mean surgery. Alyssa had the gas bubbles in her lining but they didn't rupture. So we will wait this out and pray that this will not get worse.

Emma is doing better for the time. Her x-ray was better. Her blood gases were better. They have come down on her settings a little. They will do another blood gas at 9:00 a.m. and go from there.

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