Thursday, June 12, 2008

The only way I know what day it is...

So....the only way I know what day it is is because I have to write the date on the bottles I pump. Lovely!!

The past couple days have been rough because Emma has not been doing so well. They were treating her for pneumonia and meningitis. They could not tell if she had these two so they were basically covering their bases. In order to see if she had miningitis, they would have to do a spinal tap which they decided that Emma probably wouldn't tolerate - she is just too small. So instead they just kept on with the antibiotics. She was up on oxygen and her tests kept coming back not so good.
Well, today we had some good news. Emma is doing better. They are not finding an infection so they have taken her off her antibiotics. She has been on feeds for awhile so they took her pickline out which is great!! She has had a good day and has come down on oxygen and her tests are better. So we'll take it. She has lost a little weight but that could be because of the lasix. So we'll see how she is tomorrow.

Olivia is still doing great! They brought down her oxygen again but they left her on it for 2 days at that rate because she needed more time to adjust to it. She is still doing well on everything else. We'll see what tonight brings us.

I think it is all for now. I must go - I have a little one that doesn't feel so good.

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