Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I really must be hitting the sack...

Good Evening!!! It's 10 p.m. and I really must be hitting the sack. I need to enjoy my rest before the twins come home. Loren has been up some during the night. She is getting her molars in and it hasn't been much fun.

My college roommate, Stacie, came to visit me today from Indy. We had a great time and got to see the girls. That definitely lifted my spirits. : )

Emma is 2 lbs. 5 oz. She is one oz. away from weighing a 1lb. over her birth weight!!!! Wow!!! Emma and Olivia will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. Time has flown and yet it feels like an eternity. How is that possible? She was at 53% oxygen today (decent) but they had to increase her rate from 28 to 30 on the jet ( not so good). They are just holding back and letting her lead the way. Her blood gases were not the best this morning but her afternoon gases were good. We are grateful for no infection. Please continue to pray that her lungs will heal and she will be off the jet and vent soon.

Olivia is 3 lb. 4 1/2 oz. as of yesterday. The resident told me today that Olivia has been 48 hours without an apnea or bradacardia. They are going to give her one more day and then attempt to take away some oxygen. When Mike was in tonight, the nurse said she had had one drop so I don't know if that will change anything. We'll just keep praying that she'll get off the oxygen soon too and she can hold her own temperature and start bottle feeding soon. She is doing really well.

We are so thankful that they are growing. The stronger they are, the more they can handle all this stuff.

My mommy and me group had a shower for Emma and Olivia tonight and it was wonderful!!! They are such a great and supportive group of moms!! We couldn't do all this without all the support we've received.

Thank you to you all - from the prayers to the meals and everything in between.

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