Emma is still on her nasal cannula. We just took some pictures when we switched it out. Her sats pretty much stayed at 94 for awhile before they dropped to 89. I put it on when it got there. I wanted to show you what she looked like with that stuff off. Enjoy the pictures!
There is so much I want to catch up on...but so little time. I'll do my best.
Things are going well today. The roller coaster is definitely still in effect. I'm trying to not let myself get overwhelmed...trying to suck it up...however you want to put it. Things are trying and hard but it is an adjustment that will take time and hopefully get easier. I'm so thankful for all my girls. They are so fun and sweet!!! Olivia is doing very well and growing. Emma is trying to grow. She loves to eat but has a very hard time with that reflux. I guess when they have had a tube down their throat for so long, the muscle that closes off weakens and stops shutting off. So anything sends her into a puking mess. Even a burp. We might try a different medication this week. I'm hoping that will work. We'll see. Other than that she is doing well. She is on 3/16 of a liter of oxygen and is satting between 94-100. She is very alert and holds her head up. So does Olivia. They are both smiling at us. Emma went to the eye dr. last week and her right eye has fully matured. Yea!! Her left eye is almost there. We have another appointment in 2 weeks. Hopefully we can check that off our list then.
I went to church yesterday and it was good to see everyone and hear the message. Yet it was so hard to see how much I've missed and been disconnected since last March being on bedrest and at the hospital and now being at home with the girls. Mike and I are going to take turns each service going so that will help. We start the girls RSV shots this week.
We thought Alyssa broke her nose 2 days ago. She ran behind the truck where there was a board sticking out, hit it and it knocked her on her back in the driveway. She ended up with a bump on the back of her head and a massive bloody nose. It swelled up immediately. We knew if we took her to the ER they would just put an ice pack on it since they don't do much for broken noses. I expected black and blue eyes the next morning but didn't get much. We also found where she hit it underneath her nose. Wheww!! That could have been a lot worse. So we think it might not be broken after all.
I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped us through this time. The meals, the prayers, the encouragment, the support, babysitting....it has been the biggest blessing to us!!! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I know we could never repay anyone what you have given to us but we hope to give to others someday to give back. We love you very much!!!!! Thank you!!!!
I am praying!!!!!
Don't give up!
LOVE the pictures! Hope Alyssa's nose is all better.
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