Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I had a pretty confusing and irritating day...

I had a pretty confusing and irritating day at the hospital yesterday for the ultrasound. I called Cinci. today and spoke with them to make sure I was on the right track of understanding and I wasn't losing my mind (which is possible considering I've been on bedrest for over 3 weeks now). Anyhow, they confirmed that I was right with my findings and said they would call the dr. Well, within 10 minutes I got a call from my dr. saying that he had me confused with someone else I guess and apologized. Anyway, things are straightened out and we are back on track. I didn't want to stir up any trouble I just wanted to feel comfortable and confident with my care here and make sure that my dr.s were on the same page.

So both girls have gained 5 oz. I think that is pretty good. Percentage wise, Emma gained more than Olivia considering Emma was smaller. So we are going to catch up and I believe if anybody can do it, it is my girls. They proven some wrong so far. Just the fact they are still here is big.

I had an appointment today. I'm 25 weeks tomorrow. I'm measuring 30 weeks. which is probably normal with twins. They found both girls heartbeats right off the bat - 145 and 150. I had my glucose testing for gestational diabetes so we'll have to wait and see how that comes back. My blood pressure was 120/80 on the nose so that is good.

I will be having an ultrasound every week and go to my OB every 2 weeks. So that is about it for now.

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