Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So Let's Blog....

So Let's just blog here...
I'm tempted to take pictures of my piles of pukey laundry and post them, of the stuff that has cluttered...of my house in general just to make anyone else feel like they live in the cleanest environment. My new ministry is to make other moms feel great about themselves. It's easy for me. All I have to do is make a trip to the store with my 4 kids. Load up 2 in one cart, 2 in the other and push a cart while I pull the other cart. Believe me I've seen the look on people's faces. I just want to say "You're welcome" or "Anytime".
What is hard about being a mom is there is no hole that you can climb in and just say that I want to be alone today. Please don't bother me or I'm just going to sleep in this morning. You know, I think I'll take a nap. Today I spent wasted minutes arguing with my 5 year old that she has to sit in her car seat. So we start talking about the police and if they pull mommy over then they aren't going to be happy that she is not strapped in her car seat....and on and on. Wasted brain power. She stated that she wants to be a grown up. That is her new thing. We try to tell her that we want to be kids....not have any responsibilities, play all day, sleep and eat and have people serve you. "Hey, can you get me a drink?" Yep, those were the days. Alyssa, don't wish these days away. When you are mom, you are going to miss the carefree days of a kid.
So I have this kink in my neck. Hurts and is very annoying.
Emma took a bottle and has yet to puke. Please let her keep this one down. I am trying soy to help her little tummy until it is better.
Well, I must get dinner going. Always something....

1 comment:

Megan said...

I am praying praying and more praying. You are a great mom and don't you ever forget that.