Sunday, December 21, 2008


I know it has been a long time. Last week was kindof crazy. We had to replace our van windshield (it had a crack going through half of it) and then our computer harddrive crashed. So I'm posting from my father-in-law's computer. I was working on two Christmas presents and lost them both. Very bummed!!! But that is what we get for not backing it up. We are going to try and replace our harddrive over Christmas. Anyway...that is why I have not blogged lately. I wish I could post pictures but I'll have to wait until our computer is working again.
The girls are doing well. We are visiting family. We just needed to get away and have a little break (and help). :) We are being very careful.
Olivia and Emma had their early intervention before we left. Emma weighs 8 lb. 7 oz. and Olivia weighs 12 lb. 15 oz. Emma is 21 1/2 inches long. Olivia is 24 inches long. They are both doing really well. Emma ranges from 1/8 to 1/4 in oxygen. Mostly lower but sometimes we lean towards the cautious side. We do not want her burning any calories to breathe and it is really hard to get an accurate reading during the day - she is so active.
I need to make this short but I will write more later.
Love you all!
Merry Christmas!!!!

1 comment:

averysblogspot said...

Bethany, My name is Sarah - I was doing a search on chronic lung disease for my 5 month old daughter and your blog came up in my search. We have been in the hospital for over 2 months now - the doctors can't figure out what is going on with her lungs - her respirations stay 80+ most of the time and she requires anywhere from .2 - .5 ltr of oxygen. She also has severe reflux and they have been tube feeding her for some time due the to aspiration risk. We started working on bottle feeding again - can you tell me what your bottle tricks were you talked about in your September blogs? What bottles did you use? What was the vaccum bottle? And how was Emma being fed before you started bottle feeding? We are on continuous tube feeds which I think is contributing to the problem - she is never hungry when we try a bottle feed and is refluxing the thinner liquid they are feeding through the tube. But she has been deemed a failure to thrive baby, so they want her to have continuous nutrition and have fortified her formula to 26kcal. They want to do a G tube and nissen but my husband and I are completely opposed at this point. My email address
is - I would love to know some details about how you got Emma to successfully bottle feed with her lung disease. It was really nice to read your blog because it feels like we are in the same boat! Thanks in advance, Sarah