Friday, February 26, 2010

Dealing with the stress...

Once again, here we are, and Emma is doing great and I find myself picking up my pieces or at least trying to. This last episode in the hospital, with Emma's lungs starting to collapse, really scared me. On Saturday, I thought we could loose her. I mean these two little pieces of her body that were supposed to work weren't working....they were shutting down. Now she is doing great and I find myself a mess. I know this is usually how it works but I'm still not used to it. The adrenaline carries you through, then she gets better and you crash. I'm hoping this "down" time isn't too long. Her surgery went well and she is really thriving. Her sats yesterday before surgery were fabulous...between 96 and 100. That is really good! I think today her walking is more steady and she is babbling more. She seems much happier! I'm so grateful for her doctors and nurses! Her pediatrician is incredible and is the one that found this problem with her ears. If it were missed, the growth/infections could have eaten her ear drums and left her with no hearing. We are so very grateful. God seems to always have a plan and put stuff in our paths that we could have easily missed had His hands not been guiding us. We are very grateful to God that we are still holding our baby girl!!! She is a blessing to us!

1 comment:

The Flegel Family said...

Don't EVER forget what an amazing mother you are! You will have ups and downs...but I just watch your story and am in awe. You have a strength that is truly God given. Hang in there..He will see you through. xoxoxo