Thank you Alison for updating everyone.
I was discharged from the hospital this afternoon. I'll update you a little and attach some pictures.
On Thursday, the Dr. had come in and we talked about what we should do. He basically said they are under stress but at this point are still healthy. He said they could wait another week but he didn't think I would make it that long. He also said that if they waited another week that we would be chancing not having 2 healthy girls. So we both agreed that we should take them while they are still "healthy". So we had a c-section on Thursday night. Mike was able to be in there with me. It was a different experience since my first two births were natural.
We had talked before surgery about the fact that Fetinal in pain meds make me itch. So they decided to give me another drug. Well, to their surprise all pain meds had worn off before I went to recovery. So for an hour, I had nothing and was in the worst pain in the world. They eventually had to go get someone to give me something while they were waiting for my drugs to come up from the pharmacy. Because of the pain, I could not pump or see my daughters.
The delivery went well. They were both crying when they came out. They were so tiny that they sounded like little animals - like kitties. Olivia has dark hair and Emma being smaller had some hair but not as much. They are very sweet! They expected them to both go on the vent. However, to their surprise, neither of them needed it.
There is so much info. I'm just going to give a summary of the last few days. Emma needed a platelet transfusion right away and has since then had one more. They both have jaundice - which is very common with my children. They are both tanning under the light. Emma's glucose was high but is now fine. They were concerned with Emma's kidneys but after some tests, they are fine. There have been a few episodes of apnea of prematurity but seem to be doing fine now. I might be missing some info. but I'm just going to fill you in on how they are right now.
Emma - was put on the ventilator this morning. She is having to work way too hard to breathe. Her right lung collapsed yesterday and her left side is starting to do the same so they decided it was time to give her some help. Since she has been on it, she has improved a lot. All her tests have improved. She was on 75% oxygen and improved to 40%. Her last chest x-ray showed improvement with more oxygen in her lungs. So in the meantime, we let her rest and heal. She is a fighter.
Olivia - is doing great! She has started feeds and has always been on room air. They are being very careful right now testing her gut to see if she can handle food.
We will continue to watch them both as we have good days and not so good days. It's the saying "2 steps forward, 1 step back". I will be better at updating now that I am home. Keep praying for their growth and health and strength since they are so tiny. It will be nice when they are bigger and stronger and we can hold them. We can't even see their faces to see how much alike they look. Love you all and thanks to everyone!!!
I will write again soon. : )
These pictures are of Olivia -- I will post some of both next time
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