Monday, May 19, 2008

Good and not so good news...

We had an appointment today. Good and not so good news. Good news is the babies are doing really well. Hearts look good, they are active, healthy, etc. There is one alarm though. Emma has not grown in two weeks. She is still at 1 lb. 2 oz. Olivia is now 2 lb. 10 oz. They can only speculate on why Emma is not growing. There are many possibilities but they won't know for sure until the placenta has been delivered and they can examine it to see the exact cause. So it has come down to this - they want to buy some more time. So Mike will be taking me to the hospital tonight and I will be there until they are born. I will be monitered 3-4 times a day. I will have an ultrasound every day or every other day. They will be watching for any kind of stress on the babies hearts (especially Emma). Looking for deceleration on the heartbeats, not being active, any stress at all. If there is any sign, we take the girls immediately. I am 28 1/2 weeks. If I can make it til next Thursday the 29th, we will have reached 30 weeks. I know it sounds scarey with Emma so tiny but with how many weeks she is - it is good. Her insides are at a good stage. Obviously any time we can buy right now is good. The one thing I emphasized with the Dr. was that I am not willing to put Emma in a worse position just to buy Olivia more time. We want them to both have a fair shot. I'm not choosing one over the other. So basically I said, "Don't wait until Emma is in heart failure to do something".

So now we wait. My blood pressure was good too so that is good.

I have got to get going. You can always email one of my sisters if you have any questions. Alison should be keeping you up to date.
Much love to you all and we'll just keep praying for these little ones.

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