Emma and Olivia's surgery went well. They were both extremely blocked. Olivia's surgery went very well. Emma's left side was so blocked that when he unblocked it, it backfilled. So basically we'll just have to wait and see if it filters out over the next few days. If not, we'll go back in and put in a tube. So we'll just pray that it does come out on its own. Emma lost a lot of weight with this recent sickness with vomitting. She is down to 15 lb. 5 oz. and that is on the way up. She probably hit 14 lb. during the worst part. So now we are back on full force trying to get her weight back up. I guess it is just an endless cycle.
The funny part of their surgery...Olivia is bigger so I guess I expect her to be tougher. Nope...she is Miss Drama and kept looking at me like how could you do this? Emma, on the other hand, was just snuggling me and talking and took it like a champ. Just cute and funny! : )
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