Sunday, March 30, 2008

A little scare..

So we are all set for our appointment in Cincinnati this coming Friday. We will do most of our testing at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. I don't know if that is where they will do the surgery or not. I will let you know the exact date and location of the surgery when we find out Friday.

We had a little scare today. I felt them move last night at dinner but I hadn't felt them move since. So today, by 2:00 p.m., I needed to know that they were o.k. I called my dr. and she wanted me to come in to the hospital and have an ultrasound done just to make sure they were o.k. They are o.k. She could definitely see the problems with the fluid levels and the size difference and she was glad we were going but she said we weren't in an emergency state. I felt good about that. The little one still has enough amniotic fluid to make it until then. The one was kicking the other in the face.
So we are now home with our peace of mind.

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