Emma had her ENT appointment today. There were no new cholesteatomas so that is good news. There is no fluid so that is great too. So we will be doing a CTscan soon and we will go from there depending on what the results are. I'll go into details once I know results. It could anything from good news, to monitoring to surgery. Any of those three. I'm hoping for the good news. : )
Emma is walking everywhere and doing really well. Her weight is only 16 lbs. and Olivia is 25 lbs. We are almost out of the formula so I'm trying to decide where to go from here. I'm looking into pediasure so I think that will probably be our next route. High calorie and it would be all liquid which she is more into now. I'm looking to find coupons because it is expensive. If anyone knows where to get coupons, please let me know.
Loren is potty-trained which is wonderful!!!! One less in diapers. Two more to go. : )
We are slowing down with our medical issues at this point. I'm glad for the break. I won't completely be able to breathe until we find out about Emma's ears but after that we should have a break. Alyssa will start her orthodontics this summer. She will have a spacer put in to start spreading out her upper jaw/mouth to prepare her for her bone graph in a year or two. They will take bone out of her hip and put it in her upper gums. We are going to check up with the plastic surgeon but I think we will be taking a break. If anything I will see if there is a surgery they can combine with her bone graph.
Alyssa's eye is showing improvement with the contact. So that is now our focus where she will be wearing her contact to school on some days. It seems to be helping even when we don't patch.
I'm hopeful for a relaxing summer. It has been a crazy couple of months and I'm looking forward to some down time.
Thanks for all the support and encouragment! We always cherish that!!!