Sunday, July 12, 2009

All the girls are healthy again! Yea! We had a check up last week for Emma's post hospital visit. I went ahead and had Olivia checked out too just to make sure I wasn't missing anything. They are both doing great! Olivia weighs 19 lb. 15 oz. One ounce away from 20 lbs. You go chunker! Emma is trying to catch back up and is at 12 lb. 6 oz. She had been up to 12 lb. 13 oz. before the pneumonia. She is eating very well and we are keeping her on the high calorie formula to help in every way that we can. I keep hoping that I will just wake up one morning and pick her up and for once, she'll feel heavy to me. I want her to take off so badly. She is currently cutting 6 teeth. Olivia was the exact same. She had her two middle bottom teeth and in April, when we were at Carribean Cove, she was up the entire night and in the morning had 6 little jagged teeth just poking through or 1 day from it. Emma is duplicating that now. So much fun! Oh well. It has to happen some time. Emma is developmentally doing a lot better. She has started to clap her hands and blow bubbles. She is crawling very fast and gets to a sitting position from laying down on her own. I think she has come a long way. I hope to see her pulling up soon. We'll see.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

hooray for healthy girls!