Wow! What a year! Emma and Olivia have come so far and beaten all odds! We were told if we did not terminate Emma, then Olivia would not live either. Well, we got them both so we have a million blessings to be thankful for. As rough and rocky this last year has been, we are grateful for it. It has taken us - our character, our faith, our inner self - and twisted and turned and taken apart and put back together and made us better for it today. Good has come out of this and I pray that more good will continue to come out of it. I pray that we may help others that are hurting, that are watching their children fight for their lives, that know the only One to turn to is God. And then that day comes, when you lay it all down and surrender and say, "They are Yours" and we will serve you no matter what! Then that wonderful peace washes over you. The only peace you can have while your child is still lying their in the same state. Peace not based on circumstances and how good or bad the day is...but peace that God has these precious beings in His hands. What better hands to have them in? Peace from releasing control that you don't have anyway and allowing Jesus to have full control. We are thankful for our daughters and thankful for all of you sharing this journey with us!!! You have been a blessing to us and we are forever grateful to each and every one of you! Thank you!!!!
So on to the birthday day....Mike's parents came up. Linda, myself and all the girls had a picnic outside on such a beautiful day!!! The girls then played in the baby pool. At night, we ate dinner and then had ice cream cake. Emma poked her cake and moved her plate some. Olivia took the cake in both fists and just stuffed until it was gone!!! It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. (Reminded me of the hot dog eating contest on t.v.) Olivia kept looking at Emma like she was making sure she was still ahead. My sister said that I should tell Olivia that this Twin to Twin Transfusion is over. The mess was insane but we had a great time!!!
So Happy 1st Birthday to you both!!! We love you tons!!! And are so glad you are in our lives!!!!