So I started writing a post last week and ended up not publishing it....I was having a very down day and sometimes I just don't want to bring the whole world (whoever is reading this) down with me and I hate sounding like "Poor me". I know things could be a whole lot worse but it never diminishes the feelings I have and need to deal with. After riding the long wave of adrenaline through this summer of 5 surgeries and an MRI and starting orthodontics, I crashed and had to deal with all those emotions. I've learned and know that this is a part of it - being numb, anxious, going because there is no other way and then when all is said and done and people are healthy again - at that point, you deal with the emotions. Not fair, probably not the way to do it but I don't know that there is any other way. Especially when I have to hold it together for my daughter. I have to be strong for her.
So after lots of tears, I think I'm back on the up. Alyssa's MRI results came back and shows that she is mild and not yet severe and they think we have another year. She also does not have to go on medication, which was a possibility. I'm very thankful for this. I just could not throw this at her right now. She is at a very fragile point right now. We have been rubbing her scar some to break up the scar tissue. She has been wearing her contact to school and I was able to get the patch on tonight for about 2 hours. Baby steps but they feel like giant mountain steps. To ask her to wear her contact and patch is to ask her to give up her vision. She is doing very well in school. She loves her teacher and I'm so thankful for that. Her orthodontic work is hell....I'm not going to lie. She has been bleeding every time and I hate to see her go through this and I pray that it gets better. That is all I have to say about that. : )
Emma is doing well. I have no idea what she weighs or how she has grown. I need to get her in again but I've had to cancel the last few appointments because of scheduling conflicts. She is doing well in her physical therapy and speech therapy. I cancelled her music therapy. It was just one more thing on our plate and she didn't seem to be working on any one thing that was significant in my eyes. She kept getting annoyed and not cooperating after 10 minutes. Plus I work a lot with her on singing and motions, etc. Anyhow, it was just one thing I needed to cut.
She seems to be handling colds better. I think she has to have grown new lung tissue. I don't know how her ears are. She seems to be hearing better and talking more but we won't be able to do a sedated hearing exam for awhile...until her ear drum heals.
I think I've covered most areas. I'm hoping the next several months are down months for us. I mostly have to concentrate on Alyssa's eye and mouth.
Loren is loving preschool. She is learning a lot and I'm very thankful.
Olivia and Emma have hit the twos and are pretty much driving me crazy!!!! Both are into everything and testing me. If I survive this, I can survive anything. : )
Well, I just wanted to update this since it's been awhile. Thanks for all the love and support and prayers!!! They do more than you know!